- common hardware
- оборудование общего применения; детали общего применения
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
Common Hardware Reference Platform — PowerPC 604e 233 MHz Common Hardware Reference Platform (Abk. CHRP; engl. to chirp: zirpen, zwitschern) ist ein Hauptplatinen Standard für PowerPC Rechner. Andere geläufige Bezeichnungen sind PowerPC Platform (PPCP) und PowerPC Open Platform… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Common Hardware Reference Platform — Power Architecture This box: view · talk · edit Historical … Wikipedia
Common Hardware Reference Platform — Abbreviated CHRP. An open hardware architecture, based on the PowerPC and originally defined by IBM, that ensures compatibility between systems made by different manufacturers … Dictionary of networking
Hardware overlay — Hardware overlay, a type of video overlay, is a method of rendering an image to a display screen with a dedicated memory buffer inside computer video hardware, to display a fast moving video image such as a computer game, a DVD, or the signal… … Wikipedia
Common Lisp — Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm: procedural, functional, object oriented, meta, reflective, generic Appeared in 1984, 1994 for ANSI Common Lisp Developer ANSI X3J13 committee Typing discipline … Wikipedia
Common-Lisp — Inoffizielles Lisp Logo Basisdaten Paradigmen: multiparadigmatisch: funktional, prozedural … Deutsch Wikipedia
Common LISP — Inoffizielles Lisp Logo Basisdaten Paradigmen: multiparadigmatisch: funktional, prozedural … Deutsch Wikipedia
Common Lisp — Inoffizielles Lisp Logo Basisdaten Paradigmen: multiparadigmatisch: funktional, prozedural, modular, objektorientiert … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hardware disease — is a common term for bovine traumatic gastritis and traumatic reticulitis. It is usually caused by ingestion of in fodder or silage. Sharp metallic objects pass through the reticulum and settle in the rumen, and can irritate or even perforate its … Wikipedia
Common ARTS — (or Automated Radar Terminal System) is an air traffic control computer system that air traffic controllers use to track aircraft. The computer system is used to automate the air traffic controllers job by correlating the various radar and human… … Wikipedia
Common Language Runtime — El Common Language Runtime o CLR ( entorno en tiempo de ejecución de lenguaje común ) es un entorno de ejecución para los códigos de los programas que corren sobre la plataforma Microsoft .NET. El CLR es el encargado de compilar una forma de… … Wikipedia Español